The Bristlenose Plecostomus (Ancistrus cirrhosus) is a popular freshwater fish known for its algae-eating habits and distinctive appearance. Native to the rivers and streams of the Amazon Basin, it is a great addition to a community tank due to its peaceful nature. Its name comes from the unique bristles that develop on the males’ noses as they mature, giving them a prehistoric look. This species is also appreciated for its small size compared to other plecos, and its ability to clean aquarium glass and surfaces efficiently. The Bristlenose Pleco is nocturnal, meaning it is most active during the night, so providing hiding spots during the day is important for its well-being.
Maximum adult size: 12-15 cm
Temperament: Peaceful, good with other fish but territorial with other plecos
Difficulty of care: Easy
Preferred Temperature: 22-27°C
Preferred pH of water: 6.5-7.5
Type of breeding: Egg-layer, breeds in caves or sheltered areas
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