Best house plants for aquariums

Incorporating house plants into your aquarium can bring a multitude of benefits. They can absorb excess nutrients, purify the water, provide shelter for the creatures in your aquarium, and add a unique aesthetic touch to your setup. This guide will delve into the best house plants for aquariums and offer practical tips and a step-by-step guide for introducing them into your aquatic world.

1. Understanding Your Aquarium Environment

Before adding any house plant to your aquarium, it’s crucial to understand your aquarium’s environment. Consider factors like the water temperature, pH level, lighting, and the type of fish you have. These factors will impact the type of plants that can thrive in your aquarium.

2. Selecting the Best House Plants for Aquariums

Several house plants can adapt to an aquatic environment. However, remember that not all parts of these plants can survive underwater. Here are some house plants that can thrive when their roots are submerged in water:

3. Preparing House Plants for Aquariums

Once you’ve selected your plants, follow these steps to prepare them for the aquarium:

  1. Rinse the plant: Thoroughly rinse the plant to remove any pests, dirt, or chemicals that may harm your fish.
  2. Quarantine the plant: If possible, quarantine the plant in a separate container with water for a week or two. This step can help ensure any lingering pests or diseases do not enter your main tank.
  3. Plant carefully: Use a pot or rock to anchor the plant in the aquarium. Ensure the roots are submerged, but the foliage remains above the water.

4. Maintaining House Plants in Aquariums

Maintaining house plants in an aquarium involves regular monitoring and care:

By following these steps and carefully selecting and maintaining your house plants, you can create a vibrant, healthy, and beautiful aquarium that benefits both you and your aquatic pets.

5. Alternatives to House Plants: Aquatic Plants

If you find that house plants are too much maintenance, or if they don’t thrive in your particular setup, there are numerous aquatic plants that can also provide excellent benefits to your aquarium. Some popular options include Java Fern, Anubias, and Amazon Sword, all of which are fully submersible and require similar water conditions to many common aquarium fish species.

6. Plants for Paludariums

If you have a paludarium – a setup that includes both terrestrial and aquatic sections – you can also consider terrestrial plants that enjoy high humidity. Plants like Ferns, Bromeliads, and Anthurium can thrive in these setups and provide an additional level of interest and beauty.

~~~ In conclusion, introducing house plants into your aquarium can be a rewarding endeavour that benefits both the aesthetics of your setup and the health of the animals in your aquarium. By carefully selecting, preparing, and maintaining your plants, you can create a unique and thriving aquatic environment. Remember, every aquarium is different, so don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best in your specific setup.

Image credit: Valter França

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